How I do permanently authorize an app on my mac?

No, it's asking for authentication not because the app needs it but because it's altering system files and OS X will always need authentication for this.

The answer will depend on how the application requests authorization.

Authorization Services

If the application is well designed, the request will be through Authorization Services provided by macOS. In this case, you need to determine which authorisation right or rights are being requested by the application.

A well designed Mac application will define their own unique rights. A reasonably well designed application will use an existing right defined by Apple.

Once you know the rights involved, you can modify the security policy database to lessen or even remove the authorisation restrictions. The database is modified with the security command line tool included with macOS; see the authorizationdb flag for making changes to the authorisation policy database.

All this is not recommended because you are actively reducing the security of your computer.

As an aside, Authorization Services are not available to applications sold in the Mac App Store or sandboxed applications.