Debian7 and tc qdisc issue : RTNETLINK answers: No such file or directory

Solution 1:

RTNETLINK answers: No such file or directory is tc's way of saying that it can't find something - in this case: most probably the htb scheduler. To test and make sure try

modprobe sch_htb

You will probably get an error.

And this probably means that your VPS provider is not using the default kernels from debian upstream. They usually provide you with a list of kernels to chose from, but I'd expect all of them to be crippled like the one running. You will not be able to change the kernel they are using, but there is chance (though not a big one) they haven't disabled module loading in the kernel. In that case you can try to build and install the htb module. You can try using ModuleAssistant for that.

If all else fails, contact the customer support.