Possible to disable spell checking in OneNote for a specific page only? [duplicate]

In OneNote, I'd like to disable spell checking for a single page which is written in a fictional language and thus full of squiggly lines. I'd like to keep spell checking on for all other notebooks / pages.

Is that possible in OneNote 2013?

To disable the spell check on a single page or for a section of text on a page, select all the text and change the dictionary to a language for which you do not have a dictionary (like Frisian or Somali) (now in 2021 Frisian isn't available and it is a little different in how you do it). The squiggly lines all disappear.

This is the process:

  1. Select all the text on the page
  2. Choose Review > Language > Set Proofing Language
  3. Choose the language
  4. Close the Proofing Language Sidebar

Process 2:

  1. select the text with the lines under it.

  2. click the "change language" option.

  3. search for Somali

  4. click it

Note that for more recent editions of OneNote (I'm using 2016) you can turn off the spell check markings all together through File->Options->Proofing -> Hide Spelling and grammar errors. This doesn't quite satisfy the question since it is being asked how to turn it off on a single page, but it may be of use to someone.

I opened the spelling pane (REVIEW > Spelling) and clicked ignore over and over until the page had no red squiggles.

That quick and dirty solution was a little tedious, but it worked for my small page full of red squiggles. Opening the spelling pane and click-click-clicking only took a few seconds to ignore fifty misspellings.

The Ignore option only ignores for the particular instance of that misspelling. Another instance of the same misspelling (even on the same page) will still be marked with the red squiggle.

Yes, if you install and use the free Onetastic add-in and the "No Spell Check" macro.

enter image description here

This answer was originally provided by another user in a related Q&A.