How to set key spec or KEYEXCHANGE property when generating a self-signed certificate using openssl

I am using open ssl on 'windows 2012R2' to generate a self-signed certificate. Using the command below I have generated the certificate

openssl genrsa -des3 -out ab.key 
openssl req -new -x509 -key ab.key -out ab.crt
openssl pkcs12 -inkey ab.key -in ab.crt -export -out ab.pkcs12
openssl x509 -in ab.crt -out ab.pem

Getting the error while import the certificate - The selected certificate  does not have the KeySpec 
Exchange property. This property is required by SQL Server to import a certificat Import error: 0x2, Windows Native Error: 0x80092004

I have checked the opennssl config file but could not get like where to set this property.

Solution 1:

One way of doing it is to convert your certificate to pfx (pkcs12) format and it will get the default value for KeySpec i.e KeySpec = 1 -- At_KEYEXCHANGE

Use the openssl command 'pkcs12' as following:

openssl pkcs12 -inkey mssql-key.pem -in mssql-cert.crt -export -out mssql-cert.pfx

You will get follwoing in the output of certutil:

certutil -dump -v .\mssql-cert.pfx

Output Extract:


hCryptProv = 000001372C300D00

