Is it possible to shutdown remote Computers without inputing the password?

I used the following bash to shutdown remote computers,but for each computer,I must input the password for it.Is it possible to input the password Automatically?


ssh -t [email protected] "sudo poweroff"
ssh -t [email protected] "sudo poweroff"
ssh -t [email protected] "sudo poweroff"
ssh -t [email protected] "sudo poweroff"
ssh -t [email protected] "sudo poweroff"
ssh -t [email protected] "sudo poweroff"
ssh -t [email protected] "sudo poweroff"
ssh -t [email protected] "sudo poweroff"
ssh -t [email protected] "sudo poweroff"
ssh -t [email protected] "sudo poweroff"
ssh -t [email protected] "sudo poweroff"
ssh -t [email protected] "sudo poweroff"
ssh -t [email protected] "sudo poweroff"
ssh -t [email protected] "sudo poweroff"
ssh -t [email protected] "sudo poweroff"
ssh -t [email protected] "sudo poweroff"

You don't need to. Since you are logging on as root there is absolutely no reason to use sudo, just run poweroff or (better) shutdown -h directly.

If for some reason not explained in your question you really do need sudo, use sudo's -S option. From man sudo:

   -S          The -S (stdin) option causes sudo to read
               the password from the standard input
               instead of the terminal device.  The
               password must be followed by a newline

For example:


ssh -t [email protected] "echo PASSWORD1 | sudo -S poweroff"
ssh -t [email protected] "echo PASSWORD2 | sudo -S poweroff"

To avoid password entering use ssh-keygen for authentication key creation and upload public key to all your servers. BTW, terdon right, if you root do not use sudo.

ssh [email protected] poweroff
ssh [email protected] poweroff