Webcam automatically takes picture when the computer wakes up

Solution 1:

If you are using Windows OS, you can create a Task in Task Scheduler that when a user Un-Locked his account (Also when logged in) it capture the webcam.

Required :
A) a small command line Webcam Capture utility.
B) find out what is and how to work with Task Scheduler.

For required A) you can use this utility for taking picture : Nirsoft WebCamImageSave
For required B) You can search Google ! (a bit Fun)

1) Open your Task Scheduler and create a task with trigger : When Workstation Unlock
2) in the Action tab make new action and select start program
3) you can browse that command line utility that you downloaded (nirsoft webcaminagesave for example.)
4) add these Parameters at the end of Nirsoft application path (With a SPACE between program path and parameters) :

/capture /Filename "C:\CapturedImage.jpg"

the full path with parameters will be something like this:

C:\MyFiles\WebCamImageSave.exe /capture /Filename "C:\CapturedImage.jpg"

5) Just save it and restart your computer :)

if you do everything right, it will take pictures from your webcam anytime that anyone logged (and Locked) your account.