UEFI: Failed to install override security policy

Solution 1:

I ran into the same error on an Asus UX21E machine. The latest BIOS (v 214) didn't fix the trick, and my USB disk was properly prepared as a EFI boot devices.

I was able to work around the problem using a hack I found on a related thread on the ArchLinux BBS. The gist of it is that since this system shipped with Windows 7 it doesn't have Secure Boot stuff enabled by default (in my case it isn't even supported). This thows off the ArchLinux boot routie which seems to expect it.

You can disable to check entirely by switching out which file the EFI system boots to. There are three .efi files in the ISO image. By overwriting the one your system is using with the simpler non Secure Boot enabled one, you can sidestep the whole problem.

  1. Mount your USB boot media (or unpack the ISO to later repack and burn if you must use a CD)
  2. Move to the directory where it is mounted and issue the following copy command:

    cp EFI/boot/loader.efi EFI/boot/bootx64.efi
  3. Boot that sucker up and eat cake.

Worked like a charm for me. For the record I used the 2013-11-01 Archlinux media.

Solution 2:

The only reference I can find to that error message is in the source code to PreLoader.efi, the Linux Foundation's Secure Boot loader. It indicates that the program was unable to register itself as an extension to the firmware's built-in Secure Boot functions. This error is quite rare. As the developer of rEFInd, I'd be interested in knowing what firmware you've got (make and model of motherboard, as well as the publisher of the firmware and its version number). I also strongly recommend you e-mail Matthew Garrett and James Bottomley; they're the developers of shim and PreLoader, the two Linux Secure Boot solutions released to date. Both are likely to be interested in knowing about this failure, because it affects future directions for their Secure Boot solutions.

It's conceivable that a firmware upgrade would fix this problem, but I can't make any promises about that. If a firmware upgrade doesn't help, I recommend you disable Secure Boot in your firmware. Alternatively, you could try installing using shim rather than PreLoader; shim uses a different method to work around Secure Boot problems. Yet another option is to install your own keys in the firmware, but this procedure is quite tedious. Unless you really want to avoid using Microsoft's keys, this method is likely to be too much effort.