Could not connect to remote computer web deploy ERROR_DESTINATION_NOT_REACHABLE

A comment on this answer at stackoverflow got me on the right track with this same error message if anyone else comes across this and the other answers don't help:

Not only does web deploy need to be installed, but the IIS Deployment Handler subitem needs enabled. Open up Add/remove programs > Microsoft Web Deploy > Change > make sure IIS Deployment Handler is Enabled. enter image description here

Web deploy was working for us then we applied some windows updates and it stopped working suddenly, this was the culprit.

I had the same problem (404). Fixed it by:

  1. Uninstalled Web Deploy 3.6 from Programs & Features
  2. Downloaded x64 package from
  3. Installed downloaded MSI package, which turned out to be Web Deploy 3.5.

Immediately (without a restart) this resolved the issue.

I've just had similar problem. It was due to messing with SSL certificates.

During the installation of WebDeploy you normally install Management Service which creates self-signed certificate named: WMSvc-HOSTNAME.

This certificate should be available in Certificate Store:

enter image description here

and should be visible in IIS under Server Certificates:

enter image description here

Since I was messing with it somehow WMSvc-HOSTNAME was available in Certificate Store and disappeared from Server Certificates in IIS.

The problem was that Management Service was configured to use WMSvc certificate:

enter image description here


Create new Self-signed SSL certifcate and used it with Management Service instead of WMSVC one.