pm-hibernate freezes and/or fails to resume on Dell XPS 13, 14.04, 3.19 kernel [duplicate]

Solution 1:

For the situation I described running a non-stock kernel, the following solution worked. Depending on what kernel series you're using, YMMV:

You'll need to do these to get grub/initramfs set up correctly:

sudo blkid | grep swap <-- get your swap uuid
sudo <your_text_editor_here> /etc/default/grub <-- edit your grub file    
GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="RESUME=UUID=<your_swap_uuid>" <-- add this to grub file
uname -r <-- get running kernel name
sudo update-initramfs -u -k <your_kernel_name> <-- init with the right kernel
sudo update-grub

Reboot, and then check for hibernate compatibility by doing pm-hibernate at the command line. Hope this helps someone else!