Ubuntu to Kubuntu switch!

I have been running Ubuntu for about a year, now I would like to switch to kubuntu. Is it possible that I can port all the configuration data from the home folder of Ubuntu to kubuntu? (Without causing some serious trouble) If I copy all them contents of the home folder (Including the hidden files and folders) will I be able to get the same application configurations ? I know that copying the Thunderbird folder copies the emails on the newer installation, will it work to other applications?

Solution 1:

If you are upgrading to Kubuntu then no need to copy anything, just install Kubuntu package.

Use one of these commands:

sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop
sudo apt-get install kubuntu-full

kubuntu-full includes kubuntu-desktop and also has some additional packages.

You can see how to install Kubuntu here also.

Solution 2:

I switched from Ubuntu to Kubuntu. I did a clean install rathere than worrying about trying to save application data etc...

Before performing my clean install, I backed up the following:

SSH keys:

tar -czvf ssh.tar.gz ~/.ssh

GNU PGP keys:

tar -czvf gnupg.tar.gz ~/.gnupg

MySQL Workbench Connections:

tar -czvf mysqlworkbench.tar.gz ~/.mysql


tar -czvf thunderbird.tar.gz ~/.thunderbird

Keyring data (I cannot remember which directory this was in, something like ~/.local/share/keyring).

Sometimes I do the entire backup in one line, but sometimes I find it more convenient to have each backup in its own .tar.gz file.

I then copy the backup(s) to a Samba share and/or USB pen drive, and restore everything after installing Kubuntu (although the keychain/keyring application works differently on Kubuntu, I think).

I much prefer performing clean installs.