Ubuntu Live USB won't boot, "Failed to load COM32 file menu.c32"

Solution 1:

After doing some digging, it seems like this is a fairly common problem for some folks who try to create a Ubuntu Live USB with Unetbootin. The bug hasn't been fixed yet, but luckily there is a workaround.

You'll need:

  • A working computer with Ubuntu already installed
  • 1 minute of your time

The workaround:

  1. Plug your created Live USB into a computer with Ubuntu already installed.
  2. Navigate to /usr/lib/syslinux/bios/ in your file manager (in some installations the path you need is /usr/lib/syslinux/modules/bios/).
  3. Select the following three files: libcom32.c32, menu.c32, and libutil.c32.
  4. Copy (not cut) the above files over to the root directory of your Live USB drive.
  5. Unmount the USB drive, and you're good to go!

This solution was based off a blog post found on AjoPaul.com

Alternative Workaround From the command line:

After you install Ubuntu 14.10 to your USB drive, run the following commands:

cd /usr/lib/syslinux/modules/bios/
cp libcom32.c32 /media/path/to/usb/drive/
cp libutil.c32 /media/path/to/usb/drive/
cp menu.c32 /media/path/to/usb/drive/

Solution 2:

There is a very simple solution to this, I had the same issue when I used Startup Disk Creator from my laptop running Ubuntu. All you Have to do is press Tab when you get the error. When you press tab, you will see some new options like 'Live'. just type live on your keyboard and press enter. This will allow you to run Xubuntu from the usb drive. Once you have successfully booted into Xubuntu you can install the OS to your netbook from there.

Also you may want to install Xubuntu 14.04 or 16.04 as these versions will be supported for a longer period of time.

This method worked for me when I tried to boot into Ubuntu 14.10. This should also work for you.

Solution 3:

I got the same error but failed file was versamenu.c32.

For my Xubuntu 16.04, the missing files are available in


I copied 4 files:


to the root (/) of the usb and it worked well when I tried to test Trinity Rescue USB