How to wait for network in a batch script when booting on Windows Server?

Solution 1:

You seem to be intent on using batch for this so here goes. You may want to run this by the guys at SO since they are better scripters than I am. In fact, I got the main logic from ( complete with the reason why testing if a ping will go through with this method is prefereable to others.

@echo off

set IPaddress=%%1  REM add IP address as command line argument or just static

ping -n 1 %IPaddress% | find "TTL=" >nul
if errorlevel 1 (
    goto RETRY
) else (
    goto DOSTUFF

ping -n 11>nul REM waits given amount of time, set to 10 seconds
goto TEST

do stuff REM Do stuff

Basically, it just pings at one second intervals, checks to see if a successful ping occurs. If so, it does whatever you're trying to script.

I did not hard code the IPaddress you want to check for basic ICMP connectivity for, but instead added it as a command line argument. Or you can just hard-code it.

You may want to double check the syntax as I did not test this at all.

EDIT: Changed ping value to 11 to reflect a real 10 second delay.

Solution 2:

Use the "Start only if this network connection is available" option. enter image description here