FTP service for use on Windows Server? [closed]

We always use IIS' FTP service but recently we have had a few problems with it; what FTP service do you recomend for IIS?

We use Windows Server and Windows XP in the clients.

A free version is a must, We are now considering FileZilla and WarFtp, We will be having 100 concurrent connections.

Solution 1:

Filezilla; it's free, easy to set up and manage but very powerful. Ability to use non directory users is a big plus.

Solution 2:

My company makes a high quality file server with access points for FTP/FTPS/SFTP/WebDav/HTTP/HTTPS.

The product name is Null FTP Server and there is a free version available.

Some of the features:

  • REST HTTP API to control the server
  • Remote administration for 1 or more servers.
  • x86 and x64 variants are available.
  • User authentication is supported with windows user accounts, active directory, and/or built-in accounts.
  • You can either lock a user account into a directory or use the server's root directory.
  • Virtual directories are also supported.
  • several other key features and screenshots