How to remove focus without setting focus to another control?

Solution 1:

Using clearFocus() didn't seem to be working for me either as you found (saw in comments to another answer), but what worked for me in the end was adding:

    android:focusableInTouchMode="true" ...>

to my very top level Layout View (a linear layout). To remove focus from all Buttons/EditTexts etc, you can then just do

LinearLayout myLayout = (LinearLayout) activity.findViewById(;

Requesting focus did nothing unless I set the view to be focusable.

Solution 2:

Old question, but I came across it when I had a similar issue and thought I'd share what I ended up doing.

The view that gained focus was different each time so I used the very generic:

View current = getCurrentFocus();
if (current != null) current.clearFocus();