Exchange 2007 OWA - Can log in, but no graphics / broken images

Solution 1:

Hi it is easier to execute the following procedure.

FIX: Step 1) Load the Exchange Management Shell

Step 2) Navigate to your Exchange Bin directory via the management shell - usually C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\Bin

Step 3) Run the UpdateOWA.ps1 script (done by entering .\UpdateOWA.ps1)

Solution 2:

The latest rollout appears to be missing both gifs and scripts, but OWA always referred to the folder corresponding to the latest rollup, rather than the folder 'current'. My solution was to copy the contents of E:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\ClientAccess\Owa\ to E:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\ClientAccess\Owa\8.1.393.1. This is assuming that your previous working version was and the current one is 8.1.393 (SP1 rollup 9). A handful of the files already existed in destination folders, which I opted not to overwrite. NB! make sure you make a backup copies of the folders.

Solution 3:

The issue has been resolved, OWA is up & running. It involved having to un-and-re-install IIS 7 (which is just awful, BTW), un-and-re-installing Client Access components, and deleting & re-creating all virtual directories.

Thanks to all for your info & suggestions.