How to add Rubymine icon to the left top panel in Ubuntu?

  1. In Rubymine menu go to:

    Tools -> Create Desktop Entry...

  2. This will create an application shortcut from the system menu.
  3. Close your Rubymine instance, go to the system menu and type 'Rubymine' - you should see the Rubymine icon under the 'Applications' section. (If you don't see the RubyMine shorcut logout and login of your session and it should now appear)
  4. Click it to open the application
  5. Use the Right Click menu on the RubyMine icon and select 'Lock the Launcher'

It should work fine now.

Run mine on command line. If mine doesn't exist in /usr/bin, create a link using

ln -s /opt/Rubymine/bin/ /usr/bin/mine