Steam error missing

when downloading steam to my amd64 bit ubuntu pc i get the error-you are missing the following 32-bit libraries and steam may not run:

any fixes would be much appreciated

I noticed that the package was in the /app-install/ library, so I used the Upgrade command, everything was installed and I was able to login.

sudo apt-get upgrade steam -f

This solved it for me (I have an NVidia card):

sudo apt install libgl1-nvidia-glx:i386


Note that this will download 32-bit versions of legacy-drivers. If you are not using a legacy-nvidia-driver, running a

sudo apt install nvidia-driver-libs:i386

instead of the above (described in is probably the better option (this will download 32-bit-versions of the non-legacy-drivers).

The reason why there are so many fixes suggested is because this error is saying that the library needed for Steam to process certain graphics is not present. And the specific of what is needed on a per-system basis could vary. Run steam from the command line to see what your system needs. You'll see an output like this:

Package xterm needs to be installed
Package libgl1-mesa-dri:i386 needs to be installed
Package libgl1:i386 needs to be installed
x-terminal-emulator: invalid option -- 'T'
QTerminal 0.14.1
Usage: qterminal [OPTION]...

Go ahead and install those packages:

sudo apt-get install -y [package-name-1] [packagename2] [...]

And then try running steam again. Should be good as new.