Can I get Chrome to work with sites that use windows integrated security?

I've had success altering about:config in firefox to get firefox to work with certain intranet sites that use windows integrated security. Is there something like about:config in Chrome? Is there some other way to change a setting to enable windows integrated security (NTLM) in Chrome?

To summarize the link provided by @Vivek Kodira, you can to set a proxy server on your local machine that will do the authentication on behalf of Chrome. Then it's not Chrome that does the authentication, it's the proxy, but Chrome doesn't know that.

Chrome has been updated (version 5+) has the following:
In windows it integrates with intranet zones setting in 'internet options'

In Windows only, if the command-line switch is not present, the permitted list consists of those servers in the Local Machine or Local Intranet security zone (for example, when the host in the URL includes a "." character it is outside the Local Intranet security zone), which is the behavior present in IE.

If a challenge comes from a server outside of the permitted list, the user will need to enter the username and password.

For other OS's, you can use the command line switch:



well it's a known problem... it should be fixed in future versions...