Nuxt.js document is not defined (vuejs-datepicker)

You were almost there!

It means that vuejs-datepicker doesn't work on SSR.

I faced the same issue and Following this guide I could resolve the problem.

  • First of all you must install the component

    npm i vuejs-datepicker
  • Secondly, you need to create a plugin file, under plugins directory, for instance: vue-datepicker.js with the following content:

    import Vue from 'vue'
    import Datepicker from 'vuejs-datepicker'
    Vue.component('date-picker', Datepicker)

    In this step you are registering as date-picker in the context your component, imported from vuejs-datepicker, this name is important because is the one you will use insted of the original datepicker.

  • Next step is register your new plugin in nuxt.config.js

    plugins : [
               { src: '~/plugins/vue-datepicker', mode: 'client' }

    In this way you will be using this component only from the client side.

  • The final step is enjoy your Datepicker as date-picker in your component or page, but now with the name used in the Second Step

    <date-picker ..options/>

    You don't need to import anything in the component, this date-picker now is available on every component or page in the project as it.

  • The very Last step, which is optional is to wrap this date-picker with client-only tag, if you want to show any message while the date-picker is loading.

For more info about this please read:

  • configuration-plugins
  • components-client-only