Error installing cocoapods "sudo gem install cocoapods" MacOs Catalina

I am trying to install cocoapods in my mac system but Unfortunately not able to install due to below error.

I have already used below commands.

  • sudo gem install -n /usr/local/bin cocoapods --pre

  • export GEM_HOME=~/.gems export PATH=$GEM_HOME/bin:$PATH gem install cocoapods

enter image description here

Solution 1:

Seems like you don't have access to usr/bin directory. i have been there!!

please try below command.

sudo gem install -n /usr/local/bin cocoapods

this should work. Thanks!!

Please refer this post more information about access rights.

Solution 2:

I think you don't have the commande lines tool on Xcode...

sudo xcode-select --reset
xcode-select --install

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