The perl recommend me to install ExtUtils::Manifest when I install ExtUtils::Manifest

ExtUtils::Manifest and ExtUtils::MakeMaker are both critical Perl build tools. They're normally bundled with Perl. They have a circular dependency, so MakeMaker bundles ExtUtils::Manifest and other modules in its source distribution. If you're lacking ExtUtils::Manifest, MakeMaker should have used its bundled version.

Looking at its build file, the only way it would have tried to install ExtUtils::Manifest as a dependency is if the BUILDING_AS_PACKAGE environment variable is set, or if the Makefile.PL is run with --release. Neither should be the case.

Check for that environment variable.

Probably a bit too late on this, but just wanted to point out what @satbekmyrza posted in comments.

Please also double check that you're using PowerShell or default CMD on Windows. I was also using Git bash by default and system thought I was on linux. (Same errors with /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl and @INC) But it worked perfectly when I switch to windows-native terminals without fixing any PATHs etc.