Is Age of Empires II: The Conquerors playable on Ubuntu?

Is it possible to play Age of Empires II: The Conquerors on Ubuntu?

Solution 1:

It should be possible to play using Wine, as shown on their website here.

Solution 2:

My best experience of Age of Empires 1 and 2 was running a Windows 98 WM on VirtualBox.

I found Wine acceptable, but the Win 98 VM used so little resources that it was preferable to Wine.

You can use an XP VM, but you have to restart explorer.exe after starting the game to resolve a couple of graphics glitches (this is true of a hardware install of XP also.)

Bear in mind that the original game is from the 90's and is getting on for 20 years old. It is one of my all time favourites, but the screens were low res CRT back then - the original game will either be a smallish window or very blocky and stretched on a new monitor however you play it. On my 19" it's not too bad, but on my 26" it's just unpleasant

If this will be a problem, go for the Steam re-release; it's HD for modern screen resolutions. As before, run it from Windows if you can. I ran it on Wine, but at full screen I had all kinds of errors and since that's the reason you'd play that version, best use Windows.