Encryption with ZFS on linux

Not yet.

Work's in progress

ZFS Crypto support · Issue #494 · zfsonlinux/zfs · GitHub (2011-12-14)

ZFS Encryption by tcaputi · Pull Request #4329 · zfsonlinux/zfs (2016-02-11) – 593 parts to the conversation, "… too big for github to handle effectively … moving it to a new PR …"

ZFS Encryption by tcaputi · Pull Request #5769 · zfsonlinux/zfs (2017-02-09)


How to Manage ZFS Data Encryption (Darren Moffat, Oracle, 2012-07-23)

ZFS Native Encryption by Tom Caputi - YouTube (2016-10-10)

Native encryption coming to OpenZFS! zfs create -o encryption=on. Thank you Tom Caputi @datto (Matthew Ahrens, 2017-03-17)

Alternatives to the works in progress

As others have pointed out, you do have the option of LUKS – Linux Unified Key Setup – on ZFS on Linux (ZoL).

Typically for folks using ZoL that want encryption, encryptfs isn't desireable because you lose both performance and fuctionality.

ZFS works best when it is the filesystem, not when you layer others on top of it (again, you can, but it's suboptimal). This is what encryptfs does (layers an encrypted filesystem on top of ZFS), and exactly why you see so much about LUKS (which works the other way around - it can configure ZFS on top of an encrypted container which is managed by the kernel - very performant for what it's doing and you don't lose any ZFS features.

Unforunately, as others have noted, ZoL does in fact not include native filesystem encryption such as in the Oracle implementation at this time. You've got to layer your encryption above (encryptfs) or below (LUKS) the ZFS magic.

No, ZFS on Linux doesn't support native encryption. Another option is encryptfs, but at this juncture, you're not going to find a native solution.