Exchange 2010 Search-Mailbox SearchQuery with ### on the subject

This is a little late but I've run into the same issues and found this to be helpful and pertain to the issues.

In summary to the link above. The search seems to ignore the special characters and searches based on words only.

I've tested by sending two separate emails with the subjects, "Having ### in subject" and "Having in subject"

The query I constructed looks like -SearchQuery "Subject:`"Having ### in subject`""

The search using this query yielded 2 results finding both subjects which did ignore the '###' all together. This also seems to hold true even when symbols are part of the word such as queries like "Having### in subject" and "Having###in subject".

If you are single using single quotes in the subject then you would escape the query like: -SearchQuery "Subject:'Having ### in subject'" but this too ignores the symbols and will return results for both subjects "Having ### in subject" and "Having in subject".