Possible to ipconfig release/renew for only one nic?

Solution 1:

Yes you can do this. If you look at ipconfig /? you will see the option for ipconfig /renew [adapter] and ipconfig /release [adapter]. So you just need to know the adapter name by typing ipconfig by itself.

Solution 2:

ipconfig /release "adapter name"
ipconfig /renew "adapter name"

Solution 3:

The name shown by ipconfig is - strangely - not the name you supply to the renew and reconfig options, so get the NetConnectionID of the NIC using this command in a command window to show you the necessary id to use in the next command, matching the MAC address if necessary:

C:\>wmic nic get Name,NetConnectionID,MACAddress
MACAddress         Name                                        NetConnectionID
                   Microsoft Kernel Debug Network Adapter
F8:CA:B8:55:7F:A3  Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (3) I218-LM    Ethernet
10:02:B5:82:71:16  Intel(R) Dual Band Wireless-AC 7265         Wi-Fi
10:02:B5:82:71:1A  Bluetooth Device (Personal Area Network)    Bluetooth Network Connection

Then use the name in an ipconfig command such as:

C:\> ipconfig /release Wi-Fi
C:\> ipconfig /renew Wi-Fi

In the example above, ipconfig shows the name Wireless LAN adapter Wi-Fi, but the name to use with ipconfig is just Wi-Fi as discovered from the wmic command.