"Well defined" function - What does it mean?

What does it mean for a function to be well-defined? I encountered with this term in an excersice asking to check if a linear transformation is well-defined.

Solution 1:

All functions are well-defined; but when we define a function, we don't always know (without doing some work) that our definition really does give us a function. We say the function (or, more precisely, the specification of the function) is 'well-defined' if it does.

That is, $f : A \to B$ is well-defined if for each $a \in A$ there is a unique $b \in B$ with $f(a)=b$.

This often comes up when defining functions in terms of representatives of equivalence classes, or in terms of how an element of the domain is written. For example, the 'function' $f : \mathbb{Z} \to \mathbb{Z}$ defined by $$f(n) = \text{the first digit of the decimal expansion of}\ n\ \text{after the decimal point}$$ is not a well-defined function: we get $f(1)=0$ and $f(0.999\dots)=9$, even though $0.999\dots = 1$. We could turn it into a well-defined function by saying that the chosen decimal expansion must not have recurring $9$s.