FreeTDS: Do I need to restart anything after changing the freetds.conf file?
The freetds.log file was overloading the system, so I changed the debug flags in /etc/freetds.conf :
; dump file = /tmp/freetds.log
#; debug flags = 0xffff
; debug flags = 0x80
How do I restart freetds or unixodbc? Nothing is taking effect, even when I comment out the dump file = /tmp/freetds.log
Solution 1:
There doesn't seem to be anyone who knows, but I figured it out.
So it is automatic. If it doesn't look like your changes have taken effect, it is because you are editing the wrong file. I had 2 freetds.conf files in different locations. Do a locate freetds.conf
and you'll see that you have multiple results.