Disable Stand By Mode on Retina MacBook Pro?
Solution 1:
To disable deep sleep, run the following command in Terminal:
sudo pmset -a standby 0
This is a description of "standby" (deep sleep) from the pmset man page:
standby causes kernel power management to automatically hibernate a
machine after it has slept for a specified time period. This saves power
while asleep. This setting defaults to ON for supported hardware. The
setting standby will be visible in pmset -g if the feature is supported
on this machine.
standby only works if hibernation is turned on to hibernatemode 3 or 25.
standbydelay specifies the delay, in seconds, before writing the hiberna-
tion image to disk and powering off memory for Standby.
Battery savings depend on how much time your Mac spends in standby. While in standby mode, your Mac consumes 0 power, it's as if it is shut down (note: not taking Power Nap into consideration).
My personal recommendation would be to set the "standbydelay" value to something bigger. 2 hours, for example. This means that if you open the lid back in less than 2 hours, your Mac would be in regular sleep and wake up instantly. If longer than 2 hours, your Mac would enter standby mode and consume no power, and waking up will take a bit longer.
Example for 2 hours:
sudo pmset -a standbydelay 7200