Hint proving this $\sum_{k=0}^{n}\binom{2n}{k}k=n2^{2n-1}$

I need hint proving this $$\sum_{k=0}^{n}\binom{2n}{k}k=n2^{2n-1}$$

Use the identity $k\dbinom{n}k=n\dbinom{n-1}{k-1}$:


Then note that






Can you finish the proof from here?

Added: Alternatively, you can use the first identity to rewrite the desired result as


and get there even quicker.

A different solution. The left hand side is the number of ways to pick any number of students between $0$ and $n$ and then picking one to be the "leader." To show this equal to the right hand side, note that we can pick a leader first, giving $2n$ choices, and then for the remaining $2n-1$ people, each can either be in the group or not, which gives $2^{2n-1}.$

The point now is that for the remaining $2n-1$ people, any group which takes $k\le n-1$ of them has a corresponding complement which takes $2n-1 - k \ge n$ of them, so exactly half of these groups have at most $n$ people, giving the desired $n\cdot 2^{2n-1}.$