how to pipe a mysql dump to s3cmd

I want to transfer a mysql dump, compressed, to s3.

I tried:

mysqldump -u root -ppassword -all-databases | gzip -9 | s3cmd put s3://bucket/sql/databases.sql.gz

but then I get:

ERROR: Not enough paramters for command 'put'

How can I do this (in one line)?

Solution 1:

This is possible with s3cmd 1.5+ (link):
$ mysqldump ... | s3cmd put - s3://bucket/file-name.sql

Solution 2:

You are missing the actual file you want to backup to start.

s3cmd put /backup_dir/somefile.sql.gz s3://bucket/sql/

s3cmd takes two basic arguments, the file, and the bucket to backup too.

Secondly, I can't take credit for the following, but its basically doing what you want with an intermediate script. Basically, create a file with the following, and then that shell script will be runnable via bash. (Credit:


# Array of Databases
DBS=("<db1>" "<db2>" "<db3>" "<db4>")

for i in "${DBS[@]}"
    FILE=$DBNAME-`date "+%Y%m%d-%H%M"`.sql.gz
    mysqldump $DBNAME -u[uname] -p[password] | gzip -9> /home/$FILE
    #location of s3cmd may vary, modify if needed
    /usr/bin/s3cmd --config /root/.s3cfg put /home/$FILE s3://$S3BUCKET/DBBackup-$DBNAME/ >> /var/log/mysqlback.log
    sleep 5
    rm /home/$FILE


Solution 3:

This appear to now be possible. With s3cmd v1.6.1:

curl -v "http://remote-server/file.mp4" | 
s3cmd [-c .s3cfg-aws] put - [-P] s3://my-bucket/[folder/]filename.mp4