Connect from Android (ES File Explorer) to Windows 7 Share

I am having problems connecting from Motorola Razr HD phone to my Windows 7 PC's shared folders via ES File Manager. Until recently everything worked fine, I could see/copy files just fine. Not sure what changed, but now I cannot. I am getting either "server not found" or "SMB Service is off" etc.

enter image description here

Other Windows PCs on the same LAN can access shares on this Windows 7 PC just fine. Also the phone can see and access shares on WD WorldBook NAS device.

Any idea why the phone can no longer access Windows PC?

Any help is really appreciated.


Apparently you need to tell Windows that you want to use the machine as a file server and that it should allocate resources accordingly. Set the following registry key to ’1′:

HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management\LargeSystemCache

and set the following registry key to ’3′:


After making these changes and restarting, I haven’t seen this issue arise again. Fixed

I had an issue connecting with ESFE to a Win7 PC. This did the trick for me: Go to Network adapter configuration -> Tcp IP 4 settins -> WINS -> Enable NetBios over TCP/IP.

ESFE is looking for NetBios over tcp/ip because android probably doesn't natively run NetBios protocol.

Did you add or reinstall some network adapter?... That could cause the NetBios over TCP/IP to stop working because by default it is set to an ambiguous "Automatic" state.