How can I download Snow Leopard?

I am running a MacBook Pro on Mac OS X 10.5.8

I want to upgrade to Mountain Lion, but cannot download it as I do not have Snow Leopard.

I cannot find Snow Leopard to download. Where might I get this?

Solution 1:

Snow Leopard was only officially available on DVD, so you would need to buy a copy of that before you can buy the Mountain Lion upgrade if you want to stick to the official upgrade path.

Apple still sells Snow Leopard media as well

Solution 2:

Apple still sells Snow Leopard via Phone Sales. Call the number at the top left of the screen at and you can purchase a DVD copy of Snow Leopard.

Solution 3:

Snow Leopard was available only on DVD. You can buy old ones on Amazon. If you don’t want to buy it, you can borrow a DVD from a friend. Or you can go to an Apple Store. If you find someone friendly there, they will upgrade you for free.

If you were a MobileMe, you could get Snow Leopard for free. I don’t know if Apple still has that up in the UK.