How do I resize root partition?

I have a dual boot setup with Ubuntu and Windows 7. I need to shrink my root Ubuntu volume in order to get some free space to create a new partition. Are there any Windows based tools that will do this for me? I tried booting up in gparted to do this but I cannot tell which partition is which since I cannot find the size (it displays everything in blocks).

Solution 1:

Parted Magic is a good suggestion, but if you already have an Ubuntu live CD or USB stick you can boot from that and run GParted from there. Basically, you need to boot from something which is not the hard drive you're going to resize partitions on.

As it's already been pointed out - gparted is a graphical utility, so what you're referring to as "GParted" is definitely not it. Which brings me to another important point: make sure you have a backup of everything, because your chances of screwing everything up are relatively high :)

Solution 2:

You can burn the Parted Magic OS into a CD and boot from that. That OS includes a very basic graphical interface as well as GParted and other graphical tools. It should make a job like resizing any partition really easy, because it boots from ram and you can manipulate any partition from the familiar environment of GParted.

  • Website
  • Screenshots: You can note from the screenshots that size on that GParted is displayed quite nicely.

Resizing a partition is a slow task, so make sure your computer doesn't shut down if you are on a laptop for example.

Solution 3:

  1. Boot with Ubuntu installation cd, choose to try ubuntu
  2. Use GParted partition editor to resize your partitions.

Solution 4:

Yes, use gparted. Boot from your Ubuntu CD and in the terminal type: sudo -i gparted

there you can resize and delete/create partitions. When you apply the changes, I would recommend not to interrupt the progress.