I had this exact same problem. After I deleted a Group Policy printers kept coming back all over the place.

The only solution for me was:

  • Downloading PSTools
  • Running CMD as administrator
  • Run the command psexec -i -s c:\windows\regedit.exe (make sure you don't have regedit open already, otherwise it gives an error)
  • Delete all keys under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Enum\SWD\PRINTENUM which contained the printer name that keeps coming back.

You have to use the PStools option, because otherwise you will get an access denied error when deleting the regkeys.

Those are printers being redirected from the local computers of the users who have sessions on the RDS server. Those ARE NOT local printers on the RDS server. If you don't want those printers to be redirected from the local computers to the RDS server then disable Printer Redirection on the RDS server.

Looking to see if you found a solution. I'm running into the exact same issue. Definately not redirected printers.

If I look at the events I can see - Kernal-PnP:

Device SWD\PRINTENUM{5251368F-DFD2-4635-8ED1-B37C4AF55D58} was deleted.

Class Guid: {1ed2bbf9-11f0-4084-b21f-ad83a8e6dcdc}

One minute later: Device SWD\PRINTENUM{5251368F-DFD2-4635-8ED1-B37C4AF55D58} was configured.

Driver Name: PrintQueue.inf Class Guid: {1ed2bbf9-11f0-4084-b21f-ad83a8e6dcdc} Driver Date: 06/21/2006 Driver Version: 6.3.9600.16384 Driver Provider: Microsoft Driver Section: NO_DRV Driver Rank: 0xFF0000 Matching Device Id: PRINTENUM\PrinterConnection Outranked Drivers: oem10.inf:lptenum\zebra_technologiesztf670:00FF0001 oem14.inf:lptenum\zebra_technologiesztf670:00FF0001 c_swdevice.inf:SWD\GenericRaw:00FF3001 Device Updated: false

EDIT: I believe I found my fix here: http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/windowsserver/en-US/71d06204-3735-4473-8bc9-20be9e19090e/problem-with-multiple-instances-of-shared-printers-being-installed-on-client-computers-when-the?forum=winserverprint

Hate having to dive into the registry but it looks like going into the Client Side Rending Print Provider keys under the HKLM\Software\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Print\Providers\ and cleaning out anywhere there s a reference to the persistent "zombie" printers.

Had this exact problem and drove me crazy for over a week. To resolve this issue install the Printer Management role (or Printer and Document Service) on the session host.