Getting error says - "Entry name 'res/layout/test_toolbar.xml' collided" while creating signed apk

Solution 1:

Before reading the solution below, please read my update from 01.04.2020, the problem is deeper and it is in your code.

I've got the same problem after this 3.6 update.

The fast solution is:

  1. delete projectFolder\build
  2. delete projectFolder\debug*
  3. delete projectFolder\release*
  4. delete projectFolder\app\build
  5. delete projectFolder\app\build\debug*
  6. delete projectFolder\app\build\release*

So you need to delete all of the builds, debug and release directories.

Note that you may be not able to delete whole debug and release directories, but you can delete all of its contents.


I think they have fixed this bug today: enter image description here

UPDATE 03.03.2020: Unfortunately, the bug doesn't fix.

UPDATE 01.04.2020: (Not 1st April joke:) )

Since month I worked with Android Studio developers and today I was told to use JDK instead of using JRE, because one of deep errors in logs said It.

After setting JDK (File->Project Structure->SDK Location->JDK Location) instead of JRE, I've got some other errors that were not shown in "build output" so I run Analyze -> Inspect Code and got EIGHTEEN errors such as referring to wrong view id in layouts, errors with orientation (hi to tools:ignore="MissingDefaultResource") and errors in manifest also with orientation: I read that this is some new update in 3.6.1 - about landscape or portrait screenOrientation, fixed fast by Studio with this: <activity tools:ignore="LockedOrientationActivity" />

When all of the errors were fixed with Analyze -> Inspect Code, I have successfully generated a signed APK using JDK and then using JRE (just for test).

So in summary, this bug caused because of deep errors which you can find out only with Inspect Code tool.

I think AS will not think that this is a bug, I think they will say that this is a new feature for improving your code. Also, I think you should try to inspect your code even without setting JDK instead of JRE.

Additional recommendation from AS support:

BTW when exporting a release build, we also run lintVital which does some extra checks and has some errors marked as fatal. This check is expensive so it does not happen in debug builds

Solution 2:

I deleted the previous build outputs for the build variant, including the APK file. That's what helped me

Solution 3:

Problems encountered when upgrading to the latest Android Studio 3.6.1

Clearing the cache, clean the project, and deleting the build folder did not solve the problem.

Just delete the apk generated by the previous compilation.