Virtualbox: is my partition dynamic or not?

Solution 1:

How to check to see if virtual hard drive is "dynamic(thin)" or "fixed(thick)":

  • File --> Virtual Media Manager
  • Select the Hard Drive in question
  • Check storage details in info panel

How to convert clone a fixed virtual hard drive to dynamic:

  • You can't convert the image currently, but you can clone a new one then remove the old.
  • VBoxManage clonehd [old.VDI] [new.VDI] --variant Standard
  • You will have to detatch the old and attach the new in your VM properties.

How to expand a dynamic hard drive max size if it is full:

  • VBoxManage modifyhd IMAGENAME.vdi --resize SIZE Size is an integer in MB

How to expand hard drive partition within Linux OS after expanding .vdi:

  • apt-get update && apt-get install gparted
  • unmount the affected partition umount [mountpoint]
  • open gparted, select the partition in question and choose resize/move and expand it to the end of the unallocated space.
  • NOTE: you may have to boot your vm into a GParted live cd to make the change if you are expanding a partition that you can't unmount first such as /, you can get one here: