Serial console enabled Performance is impacted. To disable, check bootloader

Solution 1:

As because it's been more than 5 months since I posted this question and no valid answers so far, I'm sharing my findings.

  1. What is a Serial Console?

The serial console is a connection over the RS-232 or serial port connection that allows a person access to a computer or network device console. And a serial port is a serial communication interface through which information transfers in or out sequentially one bit at a time.

  1. Why needed to enable serial console in emulator?

By enabling serial console in android emulator, developers can test serial port based applications in emulator.

  1. Why is it related with bootloader?

To disable or enable serial console we need to change the android kernel configuration. For know more about changing kernel configurations Refer these links,

In conclusion, With Serial console enabled in android emulator, the developer can use emulator to develop and test serial port based devices or hardware. If you want to disable serial console, you need to download kernel source code google provided

Then change the configuration , recompile and change kernel by running command

emulator -avd (avd_name) -kernel /path/to/goldfish/arch/x86/boot/bzImage -show-kernel

Documentation available in the above link...

Solution 2:

I fixed this problem by updating my Android Emulator version to latest version 31.2.7 at the time of writing.

If you folks still have this problem, try updating it by going to Tools -> SDK Manager -> SDK Tools, tick Android Emulator and select OK.

Now my emulator is running buttery smooth.