Is "learning yourself" the same as "learning by yourself"?

Solution 1:

Yes, myself (or any other intensive pronoun) can be used after the verb (e.g. He learned it himself) with a meaning slightly differing from that of using it directly after the pronoun (e.g. He himself learned it). The extra himself in the latter emphasizes that it was indeed he, and no other, who learned it; whereas in the former (pertaining to your question), it emphasizes that he learned it by himself, without significant help.

Intensive pronouns work as well with other verb tenses (such as present tense), but when there is no other direct object (e.g. it in learning it yourself), the intensive pronoun (yourself) becomes ambiguous. Therefore Learning yourself is good is at best an ambiguous sentence because yourself here can easily be interpreted as a stand-alone noun, resulting in a meaning of Learning about yourself is good.

Learning yourself doesn't go against grammar, but it is pitifully ambiguous, and I would advise against it. If you put an intensive pronoun after the verb, make sure there is a clear direct object or modifier, or else the pronoun itself will likely be viewed as the direct object.