MacOS Catalina(v 10.15.3): Error: “chromedriver” cannot be opened because the developer cannot be verified. Unable to launch the chrome browser

Solution 1:

I found the work around as below

  1. Open terminal
  2. Navigate to path where your chromedriver file is located
  3. Execute any one of the below commands

Command1: xattr -d <name-of-executable>


$ xattr -d chromedriver 


Command2: spctl --add --label 'Approved' <name-of-executable>


Note: This will work only with the file(s) where the above command is executed. If a new chromedriver is downloaded then the command has to be executed again on the newly downloaded file

Solution 2:

In macOS Catalina and macOS Mojave, when an app fails to install because it hasn’t been notarized or is from an unidentified developer, it will appear in System Preferences > Security & Privacy, under the General tab. Click Open Anyway to confirm your intent to open or install the app.

enter image description here

The warning prompt reappears, and you can click Open.*

enter image description here

The app is now saved as an exception to your security settings, and you can open it in the future by double-clicking it, just as you can any authorized app.

*If you're prompted to open Finder: control-click the app in Finder, choose Open from the menu, and then click Open in the dialog that appears. Enter your admin name and password to open the app.

Solution 3:

Existing answers are great, and they work.

But an easier solution is to open the terminal and run this:

xattr -d $(which chromedriver)