What is the equivalent of ActionBar in earlier sdk versions? [closed]
Since the ActionBar is available only in Android 3.0 and later, what is a good way to implement ActionBar-like widget in earlier sdk versions? I am looking to do this programmatically, if that helps.
I have created a library, ActionBarSherlock, which is extended from the Android Compatibility Library to implement support for the native action bar all the way back to Android 1.6.
The key feature of this library is that it mimics the native action bar of Android 3.0+ and allows you to interact with it and theme it on all version of Android from 1.6 up through the current newest version, 3.1. There are samples and documentation on the website linked above which should give you a good idea about how it works.
You can also look on the implementations page on the GitHub wiki for real world applications of the library.
The Google IO 2011 app is a good example
It runs on versions of Android less than 3.0 as explained during the Google I/O 2011 session, Designing and Implementing Android UIs for Phones and Tablets.