Producing executable jar in NetBeans

Solution 1:

I just had the same problem in NetBeans 7.2.1 with a Maven Java Application project. Modify the pom.xml file to include the maven assembly plugin with one tweak to myrho's answer (needs to reference the predefined descriptor "jar-with-dependencies"):


An alternate method is to build a Java Application project in NetBeans that doesn't use Maven. Select File -> Project Properties -> Build -> Packaging and check the "Copy Dependent Libraries" checkbox.

Solution 2:

Try this:

  1. Right click your project on the "Projects" panel, select "Properties"

  2. Click on "Run" in the new window.

  3. Edit the "Main Class:" field (click on Browse).

This way you will select the main class which is the entry point to your application and the Manifest will be created correctly.

Solution 3:

If you are using the maven assembly plugin and want to build an executable jar with dependencies, you need to add this portion to the configuration of the maven-assembly-plugin section in your pom.xml:

    <!-- ... -->

Source: Maven Assembly Plugin Usage

Solution 4:

Very simple, The .jar and .jad files are there in dist folder

I was also searching for answer and got this one from

Solved :)

Solution 5:

Did you clean the project and rebuild? It sound like you're doing it right. Heres some references just in case: