Grub always fails to install, furthest I get is grub> prompt

In my opinion, you try to install by selecting 'continue without a bootloader', when you finish, reboot your computer with a liveCD or LiveUSB again. after being on the desktop, try to reinstall grub with the steps:

mount ubuntu partition that you installed earlier. you can click on places > your-ubuntu-partition

open terminal, run:

sudo chroot /media/your-ubuntu-partition

sudo grub-install /dev/sda

sudo update-grub

close the terminal, and try to reboot it.

Your post has been viewed 12 times now with no replies. That may be because you have provided little information for anyone to understand your situation. Specifically:

  • you have not listed your partition table and said what each partition is
  • you said you were installing 10.10 but said you resized a linux partition (of what Linux?)
  • you said you checked the "grub directory", but which one? /boot/grub/ is where it should be for grub2 which is default for a clean install.

There definitely CAN be legacy grubs around if you have been doing upgrades rather than new installs.

Have you tried installing GRUB2 from a live CD following the instructions on the page you referenced or on which I believe is more recent than your reference (though it may have been created based on the reference you gave)?

Well sounds to me he wants to dual boot. I had the same problem because Ubuntu wouldn't mount the partition i had and it was not "bootable". Use the CD to use Disk utility and make the partiton bootable and mount it.