Solution 1:

I know this is an old post (I'm a necromancer)! I found my way here in desperation via Google, and I believe that, at least on our server, the problem was that the "W3C Logging Service" in services.msc was stopped. Upon restarting it, the service worked fine (provided the proper folder permissions were in place, as described above). It appears that the problem our GMT -08:00 server ran into was this one:

There is an update able to be downloaded within. Hope this helps someone.

Solution 2:

Check you permission on log file folders. IIS will not write to folders owned by certain groups, such as users.

The folder should be owned by "Administrators" or "SYSTEM".

Solution 3:

The Logging feature is managed in IIS UI on 3 levels: machine, site, application.

I had it enabled on the machine level, disabled on the site level (Default Web Site) level, and enabled on the the application level.

Once I enabled it (in the Actions pane on the right side) for the site, it started working.