Is there colorizer utility that can take command output and colorize it accordingly to pre-defined scheme? [closed]

You could use a tool like grcat/grc (where the first is the tool, and the second the front end).

grc will execute command command with optional parameters [args] piping its stdout or stderr into grcat, with apropriate configuration file.

For example

enter image description here


You may also find interesting source-highlight released under GNU.
You can add it as alias e.g. in your .bash_aliases with something like the line below.

alias Cat='source-highlight --out-format=esc -o STDOUT -i'  
Cat myfile.c # or myfile.xml ...

Or you can do a similar alias (without the -iat the end to have the possibility to pipe in)

alias PCat='source-highlight --out-format=esc -o STDOUT '
tail | PCat     # Note the absence of the `-i`

Screen Example

Excerpt from apt-cache show source-highlight:

Description-en: convert source code to syntax highlighted document.
This program, given a source file, produces a document with syntax highlighting.
It supports syntax highlighting for over 100 file formats, including major programming languages, markup formats, and configuration file formats. For output, the following formats are supported: HTML, XHTML, LaTeX, Texinfo, ANSI color escape sequences, and DocBook

Among the options that you can read from man source-highlight the -s

-s, --src-lang=STRING source language (use --lang-list to get the complete list). If not specified, the source language will be guessed from the file extension.

--lang-list list all the supported language and associated language definition file