Smallest data URI image possible for a transparent image

After playing around with different transparent GIFs, some are unstable and cause CSS glitches. For example, if you have an <img> and you use the tiniest transparent GIF possible, it works fine, however, if you then want your transparent GIF to have a background-image, then this is impossible. For some reason, some GIFs such as the following prevent CSS backgrounds (in some browsers).

Shorter (but unstable - 74 bytes)


I would advise using the slightly longer and more stable version as follows:

⇊ Stable ⇊ (but slightly longer - 78 bytes)


As another tip, don't omit image/gif as one comment suggests. This will break in several browsers.

data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg xmlns=''/%3E

The final length depends on what it's gzipped with.

Smallest PNG - 114 bytes: