Where can I find Chromium binary tarballs?

Solution 1:

All the Chromium builds for different systems are stored here as zip archives.

Binaries for Linux: 32 bit | 64 bit
(It takes a while to load the list)

The latest 64-bit version is located here:


Where LATEST is contents of the file located here:


If you need the 32-bit version, remove _x64 from those links

This allows us to make a script to automatically download the latest build:

wget $CHROMIUM_ROOT/$CHROMIUM_LATEST/chrome-linux.zip

Solution 2:

In short there are no official tarballs of Chrome but if you don't mind breaking your profile you can try the continuous build tarballs mentioned in this Chromium-discuss group (and definitely avoid the nightly builds).

If you are on Ubuntu you are far better off using prepackaged version of Chrome. Google provide Chrome repositories for the major Linux distributions. If you're desperate, you could always download the deb/rpm and extract the contents and get the whole caboodle going with the wrapper script from a continuous build...