This class is visible to consumers via SomeModule -> SomeComponent, but is not exported from the top-level library entrypoint

Solution 1:

This error happens if any component is exported in NgModuleand not included in your public_api.ts, Angular 9 will throw an error now.

This error was not coming in Angular 8 but after upgrading to Angular 9 it started showing.

If you exported any service, module or component, etc in NgModule make sure to include them in public_api.ts or else angular 9 will throw error now.

Fix: add your component to the public_api.ts

export * from './lib/components/some-me/some-me.component';

Solution 2:

I was struggling with the same issue today.

My prerequisites:

  • I work on an Angular 11 library type project;
  • I have added a new directive;
  • I got an error as above when tried to add my directive to module exports.


  • I have added file export to index.ts file:

export * from './just/a/relative/path/to/the/directive/{{myDirectiveFile}}';