How does the Finder refresh in OS X Mountain Lion?

I just batch edited some pictures with Preview and changed the name of one file in the Preview window. Minutes later, Finder still didn't show the changed file sizes (not even when opening the Info dialog) and changed names. Switching from list view to icon view or so didn't fix it.
I restarted Finder and then the names changed.

How come, is there an update or refresh command? Thought it'd be in the View menu but it isn't.

The Finder's information should be refreshing automatically and instantly as files and information is changing that is the goal and why Apple does not provide a "Refresh" option, although in practice things sometime don't work for whatever reason.

If the information is not automatically updating changes to files etc, it may be the result of a bug or Finder preferences corruption, or other corruption.

  1. Make sure you are running the latest version of OS X, as the issue may be a bug that has been fixed already.

  2. Additionally for folders where the contents are not updating properly it might be a good idea to try and remove the .DS_Store file for that directory, and see if that has an effect. (restarting the finder to verify)

  3. The next option would be to reset the Finder's preferences. Try removing the the file named located at ~/Library/Preferences/ (restarting the finder to verify)

  4. If the problem is consistently occurring contact Apple and show them the issue and how to repeat it, you may have found a bug.

Alt click and select "Get info." This will refresh the folder. I have this problem with ftp folders mounted as a drive via Transmit.

A "Refresh" feature can be added to Finder by 3rd-party software like XtraFinder (free).