Unzip file from source to destination within user directory across multiple versions of windows


RD /S /Q "%USERPROFILE%\My Documents\Unzipped"
cscript UnzipZip.vbs


strZipFile  = "\file.zip"
strUnzipped = "\Unzipped\"

Sub UnZip(ExtractTo,ZipFile)

Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") 
    If NOT fso.FolderExists(ExtractTo) Then 
End If 

Set objShell = CreateObject("Shell.Application") 
Set FilesInZip=objShell.NameSpace(ZipFile).items 

Set fso = Nothing 
Set objShell = Nothing 
End Sub

set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
strDesktop = WshShell.SpecialFolders("MyDocuments")

strZipPath   = strDesktop & strZipFile
strUnzipPath = strDesktop & strUnzipped

UnZip strUnzipPath , strZipPath

Here I've tried to summarize ways of how can files and folder be zipped without external tools:

And also tried to create a tool for common usage capable of zipping unzipping and few more features. ZIPJS.BAT - it does not need additional files like .vbs nor creates a temp ones.All in one and called like a normal bat file.

to unzip folder of file you can use this:

// unzip content of a zip to given folder.content of the zip will be preserved (-keep yes).Destination will be overwritten (-force yes)
call zipjs.bat unzip -source C:\myDir\myZip.zip -destination C:\MyDir -keep yes -force yes