Which ORM should I use for Node.js and MySQL? [closed]

I'm rewriting a project to use Node.js. I'd like to keep using MySQL as the DB (even though I don't mind rewriting the schema). I'm looking for a simple-to-use, reasonable-performance ORM, which supports caching, many-to-one and many-to-many relations. From the MySQL ORMs I could find, persistencejs and sequelize seem the most mature. Do you have experience with either? What are the relevant pros and cons I should be aware of in my decision?

Solution 1:

I would choose Sequelize because of it's excellent documentation. It's just a honest opinion (I never really used MySQL with Node that much).

Solution 2:

May I suggest Node ORM?


There's documentation on the Readme, supports MySQL, PostgreSQL and SQLite.

MongoDB is available since version 2.1.x (released in July 2013)

UPDATE: This package is no longer maintained, per the project's README. It instead recommends bookshelf and sequelize